New to

Welcome! These are the next steps for you.

1. Journal your prayers and build a habit of prayer

Discover spiritual growth through 'Journal Your Prayer and Build a Praying Habit.' This dedicated journal provides a private space for reflection, gratitude, and connection. Cultivate a consistent prayer habit with prompts that inspire mindfulness and introspection. Whether you're new to prayer or a seasoned warrior, this journal is your aid to a more organized and meaningful prayer journey.

2. Join your Church

Connect, grow, and build meaningful relationships within your church community. Discover a sense of belonging through shared experiences, events, and shared reflections. Whether you're a newcomer or a longtime member, this journal fosters community engagement by helping you instantly share requests with your church in a supportive and uplifting space. Join in, connect, and let this journal be the catalyst for a deeper sense of community within your church group as you pray together.

3. Join in praying with others

Immerse yourself in the power of collective prayer with our app's unique feature that allows you to pray for others. By embracing this connective capability, you're not just using an app; you're becoming part of a praying community. Experience the connection that comes from unity, connect with like-minded individuals nearby or globally, and find community knowing that others are praying for you as you pray for them. Connect your prayer journey, foster genuine connections, and use this tool for shared prayer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Alite, your prayer journal app! If you don't find the answers you're looking for, feel free to reach out to our support team.

How can I start using Alite for my prayers?

To begin using Alite, simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play, create an account, and start journaling your prayers. You can categorize your prayers, set reminders, and customize your journal for a personalized experience.

Can I see who is praying for me?

Yes, Alite allows you to stay connected with your community in real time. You can see who is praying for you, send messages of gratitude, and foster a sense of unity as you support each other through prayer.

How can I share my prayer requests with others on Alite?

Sharing your prayer requests on Alite is easy. Write your request, Navigate to the 'Share with others' feature. You can share with your community or keep it private. Your fellow users can then offer prayers, words of encouragement, and support.

Is my information secure on Alite?

We take your privacy seriously. Alite uses advanced encryption and security measures to protect your personal information. Your prayer journal is private to you, and we do not share your data with third parties without your consent.

Can I set reminders for my prayer times?

Absolutely! Alite comes with a built-in reminder feature. Set reminders for specific prayer times, and the app will notify you, ensuring that you never miss an opportunity for reflection and connection through prayer.