About Us & Our Mission

Prayer App to Connect & Empower Churches
Who We Are
My name is Matt Stevens, and I am the founder of Alite. I am an entrepreneur with a real estate company based in Charlotte and have very little experience in coding basic web pages. Although my technical background is limited, my passion for connecting and empowering church communities has driven me to create Alite.
Our Inspiration
During my time in school, a professor once told me that as a Christian, our goal was to impact culture for the better. That message stuck with me, and years later, a conversation with a pastor friend sparked the idea for Alite. He envisioned an app that could enable church members to connect with each other and meet each other’s needs in a more direct and meaningful way. With his blessing, I set out to bring this vision to life.
Introducing Alite

Alite is an app designed to help Christians around the world connect with their church communities and track their prayer lives. The app currently allows users to:

  • Keep a list of personal prayer requests
  • Mark prayers as prayed for and track their prayer lives
  • Record answered prayer requests

Our goal is to expand Alite’s functionality to help church members share their needs and resources with their local communities, enabling the entire congregation to participate in acts of service and kindness.

Our Plan and Timeline

We need your help to take Alite to the next level. Our timeline includes:

  • Hiring additional developers to expand the app’s functionality (3-6 months)
  • Implementing a sharing feature for needs and resources within church communities (6-9 months)
  • Beta testing the updated app (9-12 months)
  • Officially launching the new and improved Alite app (12-15 months)
Our Budget

We have received quotes ranging from $40k for partial app development to $200k for purchasing a competitor. With the funds raised through app usage and donations, we plan to hire additional developers to expand the app’s functionality and reach more users.

Why We Care

Alite has the potential to reconnect and empower church communities worldwide. We live in an age where technology often separates us, but Alite aims to bring people back together and enable the entire church to participate in acts of service and kindness.

As the founder of Alite, I am passionate about using this app to impact culture for the better and make a positive difference in the lives of Christians around the globe.

With your support, we can make Alite a reality and help countless people grow in their faith, connect with their communities, and make a meaningful impact in the world. Join us in our mission to empower and reconnect churches worldwide.

The Future of Alite

There are other prayer management apps out there. Alite, as a prayer management app however, has only just begun to unlock its full potential.

Our vision for the future goes beyond helping individuals track and manage their personal prayers – we aim to build a comprehensive platform that fosters deeper connections within church communities and empowers individuals to support one another in various aspects of life.

These are just a few of the exciting developments we have planned for Alite. As we continue to grow and evolve, our mission remains the same: to create a powerful tool that brings church communities closer together, enabling them to support one another in their spiritual journeys and everyday lives.

Check out our progress so far!