Understanding & Assessing Your Church’s Prayer Culture

Man praying in church

Written by Alite.app

“The newest prayer journal app that encourages church engagement"

Beginning the Journey: An Honest Assessment of Your Church’s Prayer Life

Let’s start off with a quick disclaimer; this is not meant to be a condemnation of you or your church’s current prayer culture. This is just a quick and honest assessment method to see where you currently are. The worst thing you can do with a tool like this is feel shame. There is a big difference between shame and guilt and conviction and confession. Nothing will make this journey to build a thriving prayer culture harder than trying to cover up or ignore things that need to be fixed. Knowing where you stand, and being honest about it, will help you identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. This is essential for setting goals and developing a flourishing prayer culture.

I once visited a church where prayer was the heart of their worship service. There was a dedicated portion of the service where people were encouraged to come forward and share their prayer requests, and the whole congregation would join together in lifting up the needs and praises of the individuals to God. It was an inspiring and moving experience! But, I have also been to churches where it is the opposite. Prayer seems to be almost an afterthought, or just another part of the worship schedule, squeezed in between announcements and the offering. The differences in these two atmospheres was striking.

With thai in mind, let’s take a closer look at where your church’s prayer culture is. The following questions should be considered closely and honestly.

Questions to Assess Your Church’s Prayer Culture

How often is prayer incorporated into your worship services, and in what ways?

“It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer’…” (Luke 19:46)

  • Do you find yourself drifting off or thinking about the things coming up in your week when there is a pause for prayer in the worship service?
  • Does every aspect of the service seem like it is accentuated by prayer?
  • Is your time of prayer during the worship service particularly special?

Are there regular prayer meetings or events that your congregation can participate in?

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

  • What kinds of groups has your church put in place that are specifically for the purpose of prayer?
  • Do you find that these groups are committed to prayer or are they more about hanging out together?
  • Before big church decisions does the leadership set aside time for the congregation to pray together?

Do your church leaders model a commitment to prayer, both in their personal lives and in their leadership roles?

“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” (Acts 20:28)

  • Do the leaders in your church speak openly about their own prayer lives?
  • Does it feel like prayer is modeled well by the leadership at your church?
  • Do you feel like you are learning more and more about prayer from your church leaders?

How easy is it for church members to share prayer requests and support one another in prayer?

“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

  • What system does your church have for congregants to share prayer requests with the rest of the church body and leadership?
  • Do you feel that your request is actually acted on or does it feel like you’re just sending it off?
  • How aware are you of the specific prayer requests of others in your church?

Perseverance in the Journey: Building a Prayerful Congregation

As you ponder these questions, keep in mind honesty about your church’s current prayer culture is very important. Remember, no church is perfect, and no matter how healthy or strong a church is there is always room for growth. Do not be discouraged if you see areas of improvement, but instead embrace this as an opportunity to learn and grow together. With a clearer picture of where your church is you can now begin to set goals for nurturing a vibrant prayer environment. Just as an example, if your worship service lacks ample time for prayer, you might try incorporating more prayer into the liturgy. Or, if your church doesn’t have a regular prayer meeting or group that gathers to pray for the ministry of your church, consider starting one.

Remember, this is not something that will change overnight. Building a thriving prayer culture takes time, sacrifice, and (of course) PRAYER. But, by taking the time to complete this assessment, and setting specific, achievable goals, you’ll be well on your way to fostering a congregation deeply rooted in prayer. Keep pressing on my friends and remember that you are not alone in this journey. Together, we can make a difference in our churches and in the world through the power of prayer.

Your Next Step: Engage with Alite Prayer Journal

Whether you're a church leader, a regular member of the congregation, or just someone exploring prayer, we invite you to engage deeper with your prayer journey. Use the Alite Prayer Journal, a tool designed to help foster and nourish a vibrant prayer culture within your church community.

Our digital prayer journal at Alite.app allows you to track your personal prayer progress, share prayer requests with your church family, and offer support to others in their spiritual journey. It's a great way to put the insights gained from this assessment into practice and start fostering a prayerful community.

Start your journey to a thriving prayer culture today. Try out Alite Prayer Journal. Together, let's make a difference in our churches and the world through the power of prayer.