Church Software For Small Churches

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“The newest prayer journal app that encourages church engagement"

If You Want…

  • If you want to foster a closer-knit church community...
  • If you want to streamline your church's administrative tasks...
  • If you want to enhance your members' engagement and participation...
  • If you want to easily organize and manage small group activities...
  • If you want to keep your congregation connected and informed...
  • If you want to track and celebrate answered prayers within your community...
  • If you want to efficiently coordinate volunteer efforts and support needs...
  • If you want to make every member feel seen and supported in their prayer journey...
  • If you want to join a community of believers who are committed to uplifting each other through prayer…

Then you're going to want to pay very close attention to this message because you're about to discover a transformative way to enhance your prayer time, deepen your spiritual connection, and join a supportive community of believers—all through the convenience of the Prayer Journal App.

Church Software For Small Churches: Promise

Then you're going to want to pay very close attention to this message.

Here's why.

You're about to discover a simple and effective way to strengthen your church community, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance engagement among your members—all without the need for complex systems or a large budget.

Why I care

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My name is Matt, and I'm a deacon who has seen the administrative burden on pastors. I understand the unique challenges and joys of leading a small church.

Like you, I've always known the importance of fostering a close-knit community and keeping everyone engaged and connected. But, let's face it, managing a church, even a small one, can be overwhelming at times.

Between volunteer management, keeping track of prayer requests, and organizing events, it can feel like there's never enough time or resources. If you're anything like me, you've probably wished for a simpler way to manage it all without losing the personal touch that makes our small churches so special.

Main Frustration for Small and Mid-Sized Churches:

I've tried all kinds of stuff to keep our small church organized and our community engaged.

  • We've experimented with manual tracking of prayer requests and needs, but it often led to things falling through the cracks. Literally, prayer cards getting stuck in the prayer box...
  • We've attempted to use general project management tools, but they were too complex and not tailored to our church's specific needs.
  • We've tried organizing events through social media, but it was hard to get everyone's attention and ensure participation.
  • We've even used spreadsheets for volunteer coordination, but it was time-consuming and inefficient.

And after all that, the biggest pain points were the wasted time and the feeling that we weren't truly connecting with our members or meeting their needs. It was all a massive disappointment and waste of time.

REAL Reason for this Frustration:

I knew there had to be a way to make this work, so I started to reflect on all the efforts we had made to organize and engage ourchurch community.

I thought that surely there was something that worked. As I dug through every attempt we made, I discovered something crucial.

Most of our efforts didn't work because they lacked a sense of connectedness and engagement.

They were too impersonal, too detached from the real, everyday lives of our church members.

It turns out that, just like on Sunday morning when people are chatting and asking about each others lives, engagement is key.

It's super odd but stick with me... And after doing tons more research, I discovered the REAL root of the problem - CONNECTED ENGAGEMENT!

In the context of our church and prayer lives, connected engagement means a meeting place where people can genuinely connect, share, and support each other in their prayer journey. Just like what happens on Sundays.

But if they don't feel that connection, they're going to be disengaged and eventually leave.

REAL ReasoUnique Solution and Discovery: Church Community Builder for this Frustration:

Once I realized what the REAL problem was, it was time to find the solution. It was great to finally uncover the real problem... but how do we solve it? I knew that the solution had to involve connected engagement, but I wasn't sure how to achieve this wide range result.

As I reflected on our attempts and the research I had done, I noticed a pattern. The few times we did have success with technology in our church, it was when there was a sense of real, connected engagement. It was when people felt like they were part of a genuine community, sharing and supporting each other's prayer journey, just like what happens on Sundays.

So, I started to focus on creating a platform that would foster this kind of engagement. I wanted to create a meeting place where our church members could genuinely connect, share, and support each other in their prayer journey. And the more I focused on this, the more I saw the potential for it to transform our prayer lives.

And the reason it worked is because each interaction on this platform would foster engagement. It's like a circle. The more engagement you get, the more connected and supported everyone feels. If you keep creating opportunities for engagement, you get a stronger and more vibrant community.


The results were interesting. As we started to implement these ideas, we saw a dramatic increase in engagement within our church community. People were connecting, sharing, and supporting each other in ways we had never seen before.

Our church members had access to their own (secure and private) prayer journal app but if they wanted to share with others within the church, they could instantly share something they were praying about.

Additionally, the elderly community now had access church resources in a way that they could share they needed help with a light bulb and someone could fill that need.

Lastly, our prayer lives were enriched, and our sense of community was stronger than ever. It was a testament to the power of connected engagement in bringing people together.

What it is

After experiencing the transformative power of connected engagement in our church community, I realized that this solution needed to be shared. I wanted other small churches to experience the same profound impact on their prayer lives and community engagement.

So, I decided to create a tool that encapsulates all the lessons learned and the successful strategies we implemented. And that's how was born.

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If you're looking to deepen your prayer life and foster a genuine sense of community within your small church, is here to aid and guide you. It's a platform designed specifically for pastors and church leaders like you, to bring about the same positive changes we've witnessed.

If you're ready to finally experience a more connected and engaged church community, I believe will be a game-changer for you and your congregation.

Here's exactly how helps you and your small church community.

How It Helps As A Church Management Software

With, you can easily manage your members' prayer requests, ensuring no one is forgotten and everyone feels valued.

You can create a vibrant online community where members can share and support each other's prayer needs, just like they do in person.

The app's moderation feature ensures that all shared prayers maintain the respectful and uplifting atmosphere of your church.

Plus, with the ability to organize small groups and closed groups, you can cater to the diverse needs of your congregation, from Bible study groups to confidential prayer circles.

And let's not forget the practical side of church life - streamlines the organization of meal trains, church communication, and volunteer efforts, making it easier to provide tangible support to those in need.

Imagine the impact on your church's sense of community and belonging when members can see their prayers being answered and know they are part of a caring and responsive family.

That's the powerful feature of the church software!

List of Core Features and Administrative Tools:

  • Prayer Journal for Members: Allows members to keep a personal prayer journal, so they can reflect on their spiritual journey and see how their prayers are being answered.
  • Public Prayer Sharing: Enables members to share prayers publicly, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.
  • Prayer Notifications: Members receive notifications when others pray for them, creating a feeling of being cared for and supported with this communication tool.
  • Prayer Moderation: A pastor or volunteer can moderate prayers to ensure they are appropriate, maintaining a respectful and positive environment.
  • Journal of Answered Prayers: Members can record and reflect on answered prayers, reinforcing their faith and gratitude.
  • Small Groups:Facilitates the creation of small groups for intimate prayer and discussion, enhancing fellowship and spiritual growth.
  • Closed Groups:Allows for closed groups where members can share specifically with pastors, providing a safe space for confidential sharing. answered.
  • Church Announcements: The app can be used to give announcements to the church community, ensuring everyone is informed and engaged.
  • Volunteer Management: Members can express their needs, allowing the church to respond and schedule volunteers to support each other.
  • Meal Train: Organizes meal support for members in need, demonstrating practical love and care and making daily operations easier.
  • Pastor's Prayer Presentation: The pastor can download a prayer presentation each Sunday to display in church, enhancing the worship experience.
  • Event Registration: Membership management and registration for faith-based community events is actively being developed!
  • Attendance Tracking: Coming Soon!- The feature to track attendance to view weekly attendance is on our development schedule and will be coming
  • Online Donations: The ability to do donation tracking will be coming in the future!

Church Software for Small Churches: How It Works

Step One: Getting Started

Getting started with is as simple as going to and signing up. Once you're in, you'll be guided through a quick setup process to personalize your experience and tailor it to your church's needs in one centralized platform.

Step Two: The Breakdown

In, you can easily add new prayers to your list, ensuring they remain a priority in your spiritual journey.

The app allows you to categorize your prayers for easy access and track your progress over time.

You can join or create prayer groups to strengthen your faith collectively and organize prayer events within the app.

Sharing prayers with others is a breeze, and you can connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals to enhance your prayer life.

For pastors, the app provides powerful tools to moderate prayers, manage small groups, and even create closed groups for private sharing.

Plus, each Sunday, you can download a prayer presentation to display in church, keeping everyone engaged and informed.

Step Three: Ongoing Use

As you continue to use, you'll find that managing your church's needs and engaging your community becomes more streamlined and effective.

The app's essential features are designed to grow with your church, so whether you're coordinating meal trains, tracking attendance, or event planning, has you covered.

And with the ability to see answered prayers and receive notifications, your church will feel more connected and supported than ever before.

The Cost

Similar products in the market can cost anywhere from $50 to $200 per month, especially when you start adding in the cost of additional features and modules. But is different. For churches with under 100 members, is just $10/month.

That's right, just $10/monthly pricing to access all the features you need to enhance your church's prayer life and community engagement using one church management system.

Individual Systems Cost more

Let's break down the value of each component.

The prayer journal and sharing features alone can transform the way your church prays and connects. If you were to try and replicate this with separate apps or church software, you could easily spend over $30/month.

The volunteer and event management tools streamline your administrative tasks, saving you hours each week.

If you were to hire an administrative assistant to handle these tasks, it could cost you hundreds of dollars each month.

And let's not forget the small group and closed group features, which foster deeper connections and support among your members.

To create a similar platform independently, you'd be looking at a significant investment in both time and money.

Priceless Results?

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Now, let's consider the results. By using, you're building an engaged and connected church community. Imagine the impact on attendance, giving, and volunteerism when your members feel more connected and supported. The value of a strong, vibrant church is immeasurable, but with, it's incredibly affordable.

So, when you look at what offers for just $10/month, it's clear that it's not just a software solution—it's an investment in the health and growth of your church.

With all that said, this could easily be worth $500 or more compared to some of the features in Planning Center or other church management solution

Consider the prices of competitor products that offer similar features. Many of them sell for much higher monthly subscription fees/pricing plans, and they often lack the specific focus on prayer and community engagement that provides. Plus, they may require additional costs for setup, training, and support.

And let's not forget the value of the results you're getting with You're not just getting a software solution; you're enhancing the spiritual life and connectedness of your church community. If you were to try and achieve this through traditional means, such as hiring additional church staff or using multiple disjointed church management tools, it could easily cost thousands of dollars.

But you can have today for just $10 per month. That's an incredible value for a affordable church management software that can transform the way your small church operates and engages with its members.

Additional Benefits

But it gets better, because when you sign up for today, you also get these incredible bonuses in addition to the range of features already built in:

● Bonus 1: Cross-Platform Compatibility

  • works seamlessly across platforms and devices, ensuring you can manage your church's needs anytime, anywhere.

● Bonus 2: Volunteer Scheduling

  • Simplify volunteer scheduling with's intuitive interface, making it easier to organize and coordinate your church's volunteer efforts.

● Bonus 3: Event Scheduling

  • Effortlessly schedule and manage church events, ensuring your congregation stays informed and engaged.

● Bonus 4: Online Registration for Members

  • Provide a convenient online registration process for your members, streamlining their involvement in church activities and events.

● Value Building for the Bonuses:

  • The value of these bonuses is immense. Cross-platform compatibility ensures accessibility and convenience, which is crucial in today's digital age. Efficient volunteer and event scheduling can save countless hours of administrative work, and online registration enhances the member experience. If you were to seek out separate software solutions for each of these features, it could easily cost hundreds of dollars.

These bonuses are easily worth more than the monthly fee alone when you act now and sign up your Church group with


And of course, you're protected by our guarantee. Try our desktop and mobile app for 30 full days. Use all its features, see how it transforms your church's management and community engagement. If you don't believe it's the best investment you've ever made for your church, we'll immediately refund your money—you can still keep your private prayer journal app.

However, I must mention that is currently in beta, and this special pricing is only available for a limited time. As we continue to polish and enhance this cloud-based software, and the price will go up. So if you want to lock in this low rate and start transforming your church's management and engagement today, now is the time to act.

Call To Action:

  1. So click the button below and get started with today. As soon as you sign up, you'll receive your login credentials by email, and you can immediately begin creating your church group and all the features that has to offer.
  2. And remember, when you sign up today, you'll also receive immediate access to the bonuses, including cross-platform compatibility, volunteer scheduling, event scheduling, and online registration for members.
  3. But keep in mind, this special beta pricing is only available for a limited time. As we continue to enhance and polish the app, the price will go up, so don't miss this opportunity to lock in the low rate.
  4. And as I mentioned earlier, you're always protected by our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't find that is the best investment you've ever made for your church, we'll refund your money, no questions asked.

So go ahead and sign up for now. Transform the way you manage your church and engage with your community.

  • So if you want to streamline your church's administrative tasks, enhance members' engagement, and foster a closer-knit/ healthy church...
  • You'll absolutely love
  • Here's exactly how it will help you: manage prayers, coordinate volunteers, schedule events, and engage your community—all in one place.
  • The way it works is simple: sign up, set up your account, and start using the features to support your church's needs.
  • This could easily be worth over $500/month when you consider the cost of similar software solutions.
  • But you can have today for just $10/month.
  • And when you sign up today, you also get bonuses like cross-platform compatibility, volunteer scheduling, event scheduling, and online registration for members.
  • Of course, you're protected by our 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • But remember, this special pricing is only available for a limited time as our software for church management is currently in beta
  • So click the button below and get started with today. Transform your small church's management and community engagement before the price increases.

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