Active Prayers
Answered Prayers
Active Groups

Alite All New Prayer Journal App

Journal your prayers, record answered prayers, and share with your community. Stay organized and see others praying for you in real time.

Top Features

Track Your Prayers

Empower Your Prayer Journal Capability and Track Your Answered Prayers In Your Private Journal

Church Groups

Want to connect with others members of the church? Join a church group!

Prayer Requests

Share Your Prayers With Your Community And Watch Your Congregation Pray With You In Real Time.

Ongoing Metrics

Track Prayers, Record Answered Prayers, Share Needs, & Watch Others Pray With You


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Our Mission

Every transformative tool stems from a recognized need. The creators of identified the challenges pastors face in fostering a vibrant prayer community. With this app, they've crafted a solution that bridges the gap between individual spiritual reflection and collective prayer engagement, aiming to bring congregations closer in their shared faith journey.

Articles On Alite
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Discovering A Pastor's Essential Tool for Deepening Congregational Prayer Life

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Digital vs Traditional Prayer Journals: Which is Right for Your Church?

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5 Reasons People Want To Help In Church

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All New, Yet Powerful & Efficient Communication

Your Prayer Journal Can Easily Connect With Your Church In A More Organized Manner While Everyone Prays For You!

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Church Organization Coming Soon!

Sometimes the vision does not get applied because it is hard to empower your congregation at scale.

Do you have trouble keeping track of everyone’s needs because there are fifty, several hundred/thousands that have needs?

This means you need a better way to organize those who want to help!

Meal Train Integration Coming Soon

Alite will use a directory style app that can show others in the church where they live.

As needs arise, the congregant can share their need on the app and it will show to either a group of deacons (if a private request), or other congregants if the need is general.

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Picture of the something nice

We're serious about empowering your prayer life.

How do you quantify prayer requests answered?

How do you know when someone has delivered a meal to a sick family?

Alite will track these things in an tactful way for you to understand engagement in your congregation.

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